Joan Gabie is a visual artist working in Stroud, in south west England.
She studied Fine Art (Sculpture) at Saint Martins School of Art in London and Hull College of Art in 1980-1983.
Her work includes a commission for Burton Art Gallery, Bideford, Commissioned by Flow Contemporary Art, 'Bideford Black - The Next Generation' in 2014 for which she produced films of her experimenting drawing with the material bideford black, a kind of coal.
This commission was undertaken as a collaborative drawing project with Neville Gabie and Ian Cook.
Other commissions include 'Exploring Solitude' New Expressions 2 in collaboration with The Edward Wilson Family Archive, Arts Council England, and Cheltenham Museum and Art Gallery/Gardens Gallery 2012.
A box set "Emailing Antarctica:drawings from the ice-shelf "of 96 prints and a book of emails, sent from Antarctica by artist Neville Gabie to Joan Gabie formed the basis of this collaboration. "Emailing Antarctica:Drawings from the ice shelf"" was produced from her series of daily drawings in ink of imagined Antarctica and her own life.
A selection of these ink drawings were shown at the Pier Art Gallery, Orkney, 2016.
Most recently working with Neville Gabie for "the Edge of Things" for the National Trust, a TrustNew Art commission 2019-2020 at Blickling Hall, Norfolk. She worked with a group of 17 volunteers at Blickling to produce a 30 ' concertina tapestry called After Gesner. Each tapestry panel is made from her ink drawings of birds and wild creatures found in "Historia Animalium" Konrad Gesner 1580, his book of wood- cut prints in Blickling's Library.This tapestry will be installed from July 2021, at the National Trust property, Blickling Hall.
Her main practice is drawing, often incorporating text or as a response to written material: she has made concertina books, based on her sketchbooks as well as large format work / installation in ink, brush and pen.
Prints include editions of stone lithographs and photo-gravure.